1,000 Woo Hoo


Ladies and gentlemen..... you are reading..... 

1,000 posts here on MattChat!


I want to thank everyone who reads this blog on a regular basis.  And thank those who only occasionally visit.

And, if this is the first MattChat post you've ever read, thank you too.  We've got a lot of catching up to do. (see previous 999 posts)

For those who leave comments on the MattChat posts, I also say thanks as that serves as a confirmation that I'm not tossing words out into cyberspace that end up in some pit of nothingness.

MattChat went live in April 2012 with the very first post being about grocery shopping at Kroger:

I have absolutely no idea why I chose that topic.

But I've chosen some real doozies since then.......

September 26, 2013 "Dung on Your Digits"

November 18, 2013 "Blowing Chunks"

August 20, 2013 "Locking the Stall" (bathroom stall that is)

August 15, 2014 "Pink Slime Returns"

and on and on and on.

But, I've also posted many (somewhat) worthwhile personal opinion entries.....

November 25, 2013 "Litter Butts"

September 30, 2014 "Wedding Ring"

November 22, 2013 "Porn at the Library"

January 26, 2014 "Power Grid Peril"

and on and on and on.

Family stories and memories get shared quite frequently.

November 17, 2014 "Profiles of My Grandpas"

November 2, 2013 "Days of Blessing"

August 10, 2013 "Wayne"

October 16, 2014 "Covered Bridge Memories"

and on and on and on.

Plus, throughout 2014, I posted a "Picture of the Day" every day as a type of e-diary for myself.  That was a blast.  So much so that I'm continuing the POTD in 2015.

It was back in December 2013 that I celebrated reaching my 200th MattChat post:

Now, 13 months and 800 posts later, I look forward to continuing my MattChat blog well into the future.

Trust me..... I'll never run out of topics.

Thanks again folks!

Out for now.......
