Morning Sounds

it is early.  wednesday morning.  5:30.

despite being pre-dawn, my ears are awake..... hearing the sounds of a slowly awakening house.....

clock on wall ticking off seconds, one by one.

toilet flushing.

toothbrush wooshing.  (is there a better way to describe that noise?  wisking maybe?)

wifey re-situating herself in bed, trying to locate me.

shaver whirring.

and cat purring.

Lucky's favorite spot to sleep is in our bathroom.  so in the morning, she's already here when I arrive.

the purring starts almost immediately.

I'd like to say she does it because she's happy to see me.  in reality, I think she does it because she's just a happy cat.

what a great lesson.... folks, each new day that we are given on this planet is a blessing.  a day to rejoice, celebrate, cherish.  your situation may be a tough one, but remember that today is a new, unopened gift.  ready to be what you'll make of it.  today is not yesterday.  today is not last week, last month, last year.  today is today!  now go out there and live it.  look for the small blessings in life, and be sure to share some love and goodwill with others.

oh, and don't forget to purr.

take care all......
