25 Ideas to Share a Smile

I have been wanting to assemble this list for awhile.

Challenged myself to come up with 25 ideas for small ways to share a smile, give someone a blessing, brighten their day, "show them some love", etc.

After about 18 or 19, it got a little tough, so I got a little creative. 

Most of these will be of little or no cost to you, but they can be worth a million bucks to the person on the receiving end.


never pass-up an opportunity to thank a policeman, fireman or serviceman.


and military veterans:  they like to wear hats that proclaim their service.  so, acknowledge them & thank them.


leave a quarter in a cart at Aldi's.


leave a stamp on the table at the post office.


come across a great, close parking spot?  leave it for the next person.  (plus, the exercise will do you a little good)


pay for the person behind you in the drive-thru.


on hot days, carry a couple bottled waters with you in a cooler in your car.  see a person working in the heat?  toss them one.


automatic paper towel dispenser in bathroom?  roll one down for the next person.


compliment someone who serves you (cashier, waitress, building guard, bank teller, grocery bagger, etc.);  janitors and custodians often seem to be the ones who need this the most.




be kind.


if you don't have something nice to say, keep your trap shut !


always build-up, never tear down!  always encourage, and never ever discourage! (thanks B.G.)


serve a meal at a soup kitchen.


see well-behaved kids?  be sure their parents know.


know a single parent?  slip a Dairy Queen gift card through their mailslot, in their door, or under their windshield wiper.


is there a person behind you in line with just a couple items?  let them ahead of you.


open the door for someone.


in the parking lot, push someone's cart back to the corral for them.


come up with some neat way to ask someone how they are doing, rather than just the boring "how are you?";  how about "TELL ME SOMETHIN' GOOD !!!"  ??  (thanks Clint S.)


in winter, clear your windows of snow.... then do the cars on either side of yours.  (be careful... very careful!)


leave handwritten notes of appreciation for your hotel maid.


feed your neighbor's expired (or nearly expired) parking meter.  (of course, this is hard to do in decatur, since they've removed all the meters.)


see trash blowing across someone's yard?  pick it up for them.


finally, say "THANK YOU".  (you can NEVER do this enough!!)


in closing, I share with you a great quote from Mother Teresa:   "Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier."

wait.... AMEN MOTHER!!

Out for now....
