oh go Google yourself!

have you ever googled yourself?

ooooooh.... that's kinda a personal question, huh?  :)

if i would have asked that to my granddad 25 years ago, i likely would have received (at best) a quizzical look or (at worst) a firm slap on the rear.

i'm talking internet search engine here.  

have you ever looked to see what type of entries and information come up when you enter your name into Google (or any other search engine for that matter) ??

here's some of what i see in google when i look up my name:

- classmates.com for the great Kansas High School class of 1993 (i remember registering on this site a long time ago;  haven't been back since, i don't believe)

- various "people finding" sites like mylife, joesdata, 411, peekyou and whitepages (these sites scare me.... scouring the internet and public records for anything associated with my name)

- various posts of this Mattchat blog

- things related to my service as an elected member of the Argenta Oreana Public Library District:  board meeting minutes and even references on the state website, illinois.gov

- my Twitter account, which i no longer use (just never got hooked on tweeting -- didn't find it as fun or worthwhile as Facebook)

- link to kansas-illinois.com, which is the website for my hometown that i help take care of

- mentions of the rec.music.christian (newsgroup) discography that i administered in college

- a 1994 news release on the EIU website related to a scholarship i was awarded

- our church's site, where i am referenced as a member of the admin team

- references to sites where i had promoted our former church's website (i was the "web servant" for that site)

another fun deal is to switch google from "web search" to "image search" and see how many images it takes before a picture of me shows up.

today, it's only 5. (yes, the images -- and the order of those images -- can change almost daily)

#1 is a photo of another Matthew Honnold, from his twitter account.

#2-#4 are photos of my distant distant distant relative Alex Honnold who is known worldwide in the freestyle rock climbing community (he was on the cover of National Geographic magazine a couple years back.)

and then there's me.... 
#5 is my profile pic from the admin page of kansas-illinois.com:

goofy looking me.... taken at a great youth group i use to help at many moons ago.

hmmmm... after all this conversation about Google, i might go and Bing myself....

out for now....