Pet Peeve Me 2

hello y'all ---

yesterday, I wrote in detail here on my blog about one of my pet peeves -- signs and flyers that get staple-gunned to utility poles, then are never taken down.

other than that one, here are some other things that really "peeve me".....

- folks spitting on sidewalks
- dirty diapers left in parking lots
- litter, anywhere
- cigarette butts being tossed out car windows (contrary to popular belief held by some, this IS littering)
- dog crap left in the park
- stepping in dog crap in the park

- people too lazy to return shopping carts to the corrals
- drivers on the interstate who pass me.... oh wait, there's more..... pass me then pull back in front of me really really fast and close
- chicken bones
- parents yelling or cussing at their kids, or calling them belittling names
- seeing Twizzlers purchased with LINK cards (food assistance)
- prices that ring at the register different from what's marked on the shelf
- chewing gum left for me to step in

- rudeness
- people who want to use change to pay for their stuff, then count that change out SO incredibly slow
- rabbits in my yard
- drivers who unknowingly slow down 10-15 MPH when talking on their phone
- folks who treat volunteers badly

how about you?  what "pet peeves you" ??

out for now.....