Pet Peeve Me

seen this before?

it's a common disease afflicting utility poles everywhere, especially poles that are located near busy intersections.

and, it's one of my pet peeves.

not so much the staples themselves (although it's my understanding that they do pose a significant risk to utility workers), it's all the flyers, signs and announcements that are held to the pole.... then left behind long after the event.

the family holding a rummage sale hurredly scrawls their address and info on the back of a pizza box, staple-guns the thing to the pole.... then never comes back for it.

the business holding a storewide sale that posts their sign.... and forgets about it.

the owner of a lost dog who prints off really nice flyers, hangs them everywhere, and leaves them for someone else to clean-up.... or to eventually succumb to the elements and fall off the pole..... making a whole 'nother mess.


on a related note.....

same type of deal..... yard signs stuck by the side of the road, advertising all sorts of crap:
- bankrupcy attorneys
- Sylvan Learning Center
- cash for car title businesses
- and ones like this......

left behind, after "This Sunday".


Picked-up by me.

Ready to hang in my garage.

I do the same thing with political signs, left at the polling places and along roadways after the election.  Litter.

Here's a sampling of my little collection.....

enough rambling.  i think i've made my point.

"sign"'ing out......