some thoughts from the waterpark

our family enjoyed the day at a waterpark today.  weather was beautiful... mostly sunny, light breeze, temp around 80 somewhere.

had a blast watching the girls have fun going down the slides, playing in the wave pool, floating on the lazy river, and swimming around in little kids area.

I too was able to hit some of the slides.  really enjoyed them.  in fact, i took my friend Doug's suggestion and hooted/hollered all the way down, just to embarrass my daughter.

also, being the type of person that i am (which varies day by day and differs greatly based on whose opinion it is), i have compiled a list of waterpark observations:

- people will put a tattoo of anything pretty much anywhere
- guys:  wearing your white tee into the wave pool doesn't do much for you, as the wet t-shirt contest thing with your man-boobies lightly visible thru the soaked fabric is not becoming;   if you are like me and don't want to go bare-chested, please invest a few bucks in a nice polyester workout shirt or rash guard
- guys: the white tank top is even worse
- ladies: white bikini's leave nothing to the imagination.... nothing.
- to the lady with the american flags on your bikini top, i don't know how to handle that.... ignore, stare, or salute
- words on bikini bottoms should be outlawed
- guys: i do not want to see the waistband of your undies;  follow-up question:  please tell me those are fresh undies you put on for the waterpark
- the wave pool is likely 1 large communal pee pot
- most men have more chest hair than I
- a jewel hanging from your bellybutton still gives you an ugly bellybutton

- the lifeguards take their job very seriously, or at least appear that way;  those dark shades really make the look something grand
- there oughtta be some type of butt muscle relaxant medication available in the gift shop for after those exhilerating rides down  the big slide

out for now.....