the planting continues.....

so, wednesday night i finished off planting our little flower garden.  basically, i was filling in blank spots where previous seed didn't come up.  plus, i planted some seed for white marigolds that i got from my sister-in-law last weekend.  never have seen those before.  i dried them out this week, now hopefully they will germinate.

we have known for some time that we wanted to plant something nice and pretty in our backyard along the house.  have had our eyes on some plants on clearance at Menards, but hadn't pulled the trigger yet.

tonight at farm-n-fleet, we came across some great options........



75% off !!!

even late in the season, the plants were in great condition and look quite healthy. kudos to F-N-F for taking care of their greenery.

ended up with 4 lilacs and 2 peonies.  $92 worth of plants for $23 !!  whoop whoop!!!

of course, guess what this means that i will be doing in the morning?

preparing for dirty hands......
