Happy Birthday to Me

with my 39th birthday now less than 3 months away, I figured it was time to publish my list of birthday gift suggestions, especially for those of you who are struggling to come up with something nice for me.

these are not shown in any particular order, other than suggested retail price.

this one will require an addition to the house, so please consult with my lovely better half to discuss.

not picky on color.  I will be happy to drive a pink or bright green one.

how cool it would be to tool around the village on one of these.  you could even get me one of those little plastic "MATT" license plates to hang on the back of my recumbent.

ditto what's above.

yes, an iPad.  if you want to buy yourself the new model and pass me a hand-me-down, I am great with that.

this would allow me to get out there and map my walks/rides, or start geocaching.

yes, it's an owl lamp.  good luck finding it.

if none of the above are viable options -- or DEFINITELY not viable options (this year at least) -- go with the 2 old standby's:

- keychains
- Simpsons comics

I sure hopes this list helps you prepare appropriately to commemorate my special day.


out for now.....
