No Bull: Take a Risk !

OK, so i heard this morning that a "running of the bulls" event is being planned for Chicago in July 2014.

participants will pay 35 bucks for the opportunity (?), challenge (?), risk (!!) of putting themselves out on a closed course a few hundred yards ahead of a mob of angry bulls.  then, just like in spain where this whole craziness started (although there it's a tradition.... part of their culture and heritage), folks will run like the dickens in order to avoid a bull (at worst) running them over or (at best ?) giving them the biggest "goose" of their life.

spectators can pay 10 bucks to watch.  whoopie!

the Humane Society is already all over this one, asserting that it amounts to nothing more than animal cruelty.

animal cruelty?  what about human cruelty?  

of couse, if a person signs themself up for this, i guess it's not the bull's fault.

it amounts to stupidity to me.

why risk your limbs, health, even life, to do something like this??

i will add "being chased by a pack of p'ed off male bovines" to my "not bucket list".

other things already on that list:
- skydiving
- hang gliding
- bungee jumping
- rock climbing (the real, up the side of a mountain kind)

why take the risk?  life is too good.

side note:
i would try these things, if persuaded hard enough:
- hot air balloon
- zip line
- white water rapids
- ride in Indy/Nascar car

so see... i'm not that big of a weenie!

out for now....
