Summer: reflections on Half 2

back on July 14, I posted an entry here on MattChat that took a look back at all the stuff that we had done in the first half of summer 2013.

you can read that post HERE.

now that school is back in session, it's time to look back at the second half of the summer.

i know.  i know.  those of you who are purists will tell me, "but Matt, we're not even to Labor Day yet and the calendar says Autumn doesn't roll in until like September 21."

OK, you're right on both counts.  

but, Autumn is my absolute favorite season for many reasons.  so, now that we've had such a fun family summer, i am ready for the change to fall colors.

what exactly did we do in the last half of summer?

- more swimming at the neighbors
- more swim lessons at Mrs. Carol's
- more sleepovers & playdates with friends
- continuing karate lessons (Emily)
- Emmy got special invite to a karate event in Springfield
- taking Emily fishing;  catching multiple bluegill/sunfish and 1 bullhead catfish
- 4.5 hours counting money at Decatur Celebration (Matt)
- saw Smurfs 2
- visits from Grandpa and Grandma
- going as a family to outdoor Decatur Municipal Band concert
- Decatur Park Singers concert (Corrie & me)

- fun day at Raging Waves waterpark
- great 2 night stay with friends in Orland Park
- afternoon at Monticello Aquatic Center
- school supplies shopping
- Emily getting a new "big girl" bike
- gardening (first year in the last 4 that my garden has survived the stupid rabbits)
- collecting the final 2 pieces (COY and KATRINA) to finish up the "Family Street Sign Scavenger Hunt"
- great visit in Kansas with my former pastor and good friend Rich C.

- girls spent night camping with Grandma
- visits to the Never Forgotten Thymes flea market on Saturday afternoons
- Emmy's birthday
- adding a turtle ("Cyber") to the household (Emmy's birthday gift)
- week of Vacation Bible School
- fun afternoon in Kids Block at Decatur Celebration
- great time at Argenta-Oreana Safety Day

- help set-up and tear-down a Red Cross Blood Drive (Matt)
- run, run, run (Corrie)

Half 1.
Half 2.
a whole summer.
a great summer.

out for now.....
