Bottom of Foss Lake

you hear about this ?

a 1969 Camaro.

a 1952 Chevrolet.

a quiet body of water called Foss Lake out somewhere in rural Oklahoma.


I first heard about this yesterday on WSOY during our Pastor's radio show.

in a story that sounds almost too wacky to be true, the pair of vehicles have been found submerged in about 12 feet of dark, murky water.

and there are skeletons.

and possible resolutions to a pair of missing persons cases that went cold... very cold... a long, long time ago.

if forensic testing confirms what authorities suspect, the remains from the Chevy are gonna be those of 2 men and a woman who went missing in 1969.  44 years ago!!

and, the remains from the Camaro will come back to be those of Michael, Jimmy and Leah, 3 teenagers who went missing in 1970 on their way to a football game.

1970!  43 years ago!!

assuming they were 17 in 1970, that would have made them 60 today.  out of college (maybe).  out of the military (maybe). likely retired, or near retirement.

assuming their parents were 40 in 1970, that would mean they are 83 today.  maybe already passed away.  maybe living in a nursing home.  maybe senile, or terminally ill.

can you imagine the horror the families lived thru back in 1970?  and 1971? and 1972?  and on and on?  searching and searching for your child but turning up nothing.  

wondering..... did they run away from home?  were they the victims of foul play?  what happened to Leah?  where is Jimmy?

and what about their siblings?  never knowing what happened to your sister.  had they given up hope of ever reuniting?



What secrets Foss Lake has held for all these years.

if only the water had been clearer.....

if only the lake would have been sonar-scanned sooner.....

if only we knew what happened on those 2 nights..... April 8, 1969 and November 20, 1970.

at this point, only the murky waters of Foss Lake know the truth.


out for now....
