Dung on Your Digits

hey, did that title catch your attention or what?

I was torn between that one and "Feces on the Fingers".  Or, "Poopie Pointer".

hang in there.... you'll see where I'm going very shortly.

folks, handwashing matters.

as we head into winter, colds and flus typically increase in both severity and number/frequency.  So, it's important that you keep those hands clean.

One way that many people think they are keeping their hands clean is via that antibacterial cream/lotion/hand-sanitizer stuff.

Sales and availability of these products has absolutely exploded over the last few years.  Women carry it in their purses.  Men carry it in their purses.  (Well, some men at least.)  Kids have a little vial of it strapped to their backpack.  Heck, it was even an item on school lists this year (and maybe last year too).

All sorts of scents are available:  Mango Melon, Grape Delight, Tropical Passion, etc etc

However, these antibacterial potions are not to be considered a substitute for good ol' hand-washing.  

Example:  in many port-a-potties these days, you will find a dispenser for antibacterial sanitizer.

Should you take some?  yeah. in fact, HECK YEAH!  dude, you are in a port-a-pottie!!!!

however, do not consider your hands clean at this point.  you may have killed off a good chunk of any germies that hopped aboard you as you did your business.  but, what about any little disgusting pieces of fecal matter (i.e. poopie) that are still on your hands?  All you've done with the sanitizer is smeared those little dallops of dung deeper into your pores, wrinkles, etc.

ever thought thru this?  GROSS EH?  

you still need to find some water and soap as soon as you can and give them a good scrub-n-rinse.

NOTE TO SELF:  do not eat until you have done that!!

At work, hand sanitizer dispensers have recently appeared in the bathrooms.  well, at least the men's bathrooms.  I cannot speak to what is or isn't in the women's room.

What is that anti-bac doing there?  Surely not to serve as a substitute for the sink?  man I hope not.  It would be really nasty to get my popcorn right after Mr. "Dung on Your Digits" scooped his out.  Scoopin after poopin'.... not a good combo!

How many of us are washing hands after using the toilet?

A national hand washing survey highlights interesting disparities between men and women in their hand washing practices. Nearly three-fourths of women (74 percent) say they ALWAYS wash their hands after using a public restroom compared to just 60 percent of men who ALWAYS do so.
And why don't we wash?
When asked why they didn't wash up, the number one reason women give is the use of hand sanitizer. Men cite the lack of soap as their primary reason, followed by an unclean sink or washbasin and then the use of hand sanitizer. Interestingly, men were almost two-and-a-half times more likely than women to say they didn't wash up because they didn't feel the need.
really guys?  come on!

what are you teaching your kids?  

Sanitizer is a great tool, when soap and water are not available.  But, if soap and water are available, put away your little vial of Tropical Passion.

Lather up instead.

Out for now......
