Pinning a Confession

OK, so I am going to admit something here that quite honestly shocks me.

it's something that if you would have asked me 3 months ago, I would have laughed (politely, of course) in your face.

Ready for this?

Am I ready for this?

OK, here goes......

A confession........

I like Pinterest.

I said it, dernnit!!

yeah, I will admit that I am really having a lot of fun with it.  and, i don't feel like i've oozed out any of my masculinity over the last week either.

at first, i thought pinterest was only for home improvement, "kitcheny" and crafty type stuff. 

folks who wanted to share recipes for 15 bean soup.

folks who had an idea of how to reuse the plastic rings from milk cartons for something worthwhile.

folks who wanted to share pictures of their garden gnomes.

That type of stuff, you know.

but, i have quickly learned that pinterest is much much more than that.

yes, it's about sharing ideas.  but, cooler to me, it's about building photo albums.

pictures that i'm really drawn to.

pictures of things that interest me (hobbies, travel, sports, etc.)

pictures that i've taken.

it really is quite fun to build albums, then get confirmations that others have seen them or "love"'d them or re-pinned them.

i am really enjoying it.

so far, I've set up a few albums:
- Decatur Illinois
- Keychains
- Route 66
- my favorite cartoons

I seem to keep coming up with ideas.

But, none involving quilt patterns or shower curtains.


Out for now.....
