Barriers to Travel

in yesterday's post here on MattChat, I wrote about the fun day we had yesterday (Sunday) up at the in-laws.  it's always so much fun to travel up to Delavan to visit, just like it's always a good time to day-trip down to visit my folks.

(you can read about our latest visit to Kansas on a MattChat post from last week)

Being with family is a great deal.

But, what if it wasn't possible to see them?  Something prevented you from getting together with your loved ones.

Ever think about that?


I thought about this some on the way home late last night.  and I thought about it some more today.

not sure why.  it was just kinda a fleeting thought that fleeted back to me several times over the last 24 hours.

so.... what could theoretically happen that could keep me/us from being able to travel and see family?

* obvious one... I'm dead.  No breath, no travel.

* or illness.  something really serious that would keep me "quarantined" here at home.  something bad where I'm tied to a machine or must remain in isolation.

* no gas.  what if the economy tanks?  what if oil imports cease?  what if there are major gas shortages?  or rationing?

* government action that results in closed borders, curfews, travel restrictions.  "I'm sorry folks, but you cannot leave Macon County until further notice."  yikes

* or no cars.  the government mandates that vehicular travel is off-limits for whatever reason.  yikes squared.

* a massive natural disaster.  like a mega-earthquake that puts a giant crevasse between us and them.  they are on 1 side and we are on the other.  no way around.

* pirates or savages.  the roads are there, but they are treacherous.  travel at own risk, because no one will be there to help rescue you.  vikings would be bad too.  and mongols.

* a big, impenetrable "dome", kinda like that show on CBS this past summer.  we can't get in.  they can't get out.

* aliens.  'nuff said.  (maybe the dome is related to aliens ???)

OK, I've already invested enough time and energy on this topic, but it is thought-provoking.

we take the idea of travel for granted something awful.  but, there may come a day when travel becomes much more difficult.  in effect, putting more miles between us and our loved ones.


and no weenie roasts.

Out for now.....
