Carving Up Jack

Well, tonight was the night for the annual carving of the Honnold Jack O'Lantern.

This is the pumpkin we picked up at Wagon Wheel Pumpkin Farm near Lane Illinois a couple weeks back.  It is a nice, round gourd with a very large and flat carving surface.  

Once we cut its lid off, it proved to be a very good one.

A sweet pumpkin smell.

Lots of seeds.

Lots of gooey, oozey, slimey guts.

Just what a good carving pumpkin should be IMHO !!

All 3 of the girls were very active participants, with each designing one of the facial features.

We'll light it up and get it on the porch tomorrow night.

Below are a few shots of the gourd in transition from run-of-the-mill field pumpkin to awesome and spectacular Honnold Family Pumpkin for Halloween 2013.

Out for now....
