Cool Vet School

WARNING:  the picture below may be disturbing to some -- you have been warned

We visited the open house over at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine (Vet School) today.

This was our first time to attend as a family, although I remember being there back when I was a wee lad.  Can't remember though if it was something Dad and Mom took us to, or whether it was a school field trip.

Either way, it was a cool opportunity to get back and visit a really neat place.

Some highlights and observations....

- FREE ADMISSION;  whoop whoop!

- the girls got to pet lots of dogs, a couple snakes and a hedgehog;  they thought having to sanitize after each one was very tiring

- I got to hold a very large macaw;  he was talking to me;  I believe he said "yes, I know I stink"

- every single vet student that we met was so kind, cheery and helpful;  you could tell that they really, really enjoyed having families visit "their turf" and showing off their building, projects, clubs and animals

- the two-headed calf specimen amazed me (WARNING:  here's the picture):

- there was also a cyclops piglet (our oldest saw it, I did not)

- something else I didn't see (but my wife and 2 of my girls did) was the fistulated cow;  what is that you ask?  a cow with an observation window in its side so that students can see hay/cud churning around in the cow's tummy;  this is the single-most coolest thing I remember from my visit back when I was a kid;  I hope it made the same impression on them

- there was a female vet student holding a snake;  'nuff said

- Nokomis the Owl was awesome!

- learned an owl's favorite prey is the skunk..... REALLY?

- we came home with a pair of $5 U of I scrubs;  best buy I've made in some time

- the girls loved the saltwater aquarium;  I believe they identified just about every type of fish from Finding Nemo

- we learned that you should not comfort a dog who is scared of fireworks or thunder;  rather, you should distract the dog by playing fetch or feeding him

- the facepainting was a big hit

- the number of female vet students compared to male vet students seemed overwhelming;  maybe the guys are shy? or hate kids?

- each of the vet students was wearing an ID badge with name and graduation year/class;  while waiting for the girls to get their faces painted, I asked why I wasn't seeing any Seniors (class of 2014);  reason:  most of them are assigned off-campus right now doing their training with hospitals and vet offices

- our youngest 2 were fascinated by the variety of combination locks used by the students on their lockers

- we didn't get to see the sheep-shearing or the underwater rehab treadmill.... maybe next year!!

And before we headed home, we had lunch at our favorite Champaign food joint.....

Yeah, the weenie hut!

Out for now.....


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