Good Sam's Kids

I had an absolutely wonderful experience today at The Good Samaritan Inn in Decatur.

If you're not from the Decatur area, the "Good Sam" is a ministry that has been serving a hot nutritious meal (lunch) to the needy since 1982 (30+ years!!).  The Inn has a few staff members that help oversee things, organize/plan meals, and run the wash room.  But, the majority of the food preparation and manning the food line is done totally by volunteer labor.  Recently, over 300 have been coming thru the serving line each day.

Our church is a supporter of the ministry, preparing and serving 1 meal every month.  Today was the day for the team I'm on to serve.

It's not just adults that come for a meal.  There are kids too.  For me, this is bittersweet.  

Seeing adults in need is a bad deal.

Seeing kids hungry.... yeesh.... it's just heartbreaking.

Today, I was "iceman"... putting ice into cups and filling with water.

As the kids come thru line, I try to speak to each and every one of them.

I have no idea what their home situation is like.

I have no idea when was the last time they had a hot meal.

I have no idea what is going thru their precious little minds as they look at me.

(prolly something like.... "wow, that guy looks weird")

Here's a few memories I have of Good Sam's Kids today.....

* beautiful little girl, maybe 3, so proud of her sparkly Hello Kitty stocking cap.

* another sweet little blond 3-year-old girl prancing around in her "Happy Halloween" shirt

* trio of kids, too full from lunch, carrying-out their piece of cake

* little lady all smiles when we commented on how big her piece of chocolate cake was

* pleasant and content spirit of young girl in wheelchair rolling thru serving line

* energetic wee-man running across back of room then dropping and sliding on lineoleum

* girl smiling when we commented on how nice she looked in her dress (she had just come from church)

* joking with several kids about being sure to eat the "good stuff" on their tray before diving into the cake

* and my favorite..... calling attention to the large, plastic costume jewelry necklace a little one was wearing;  she smiled then proudly let me know "Zsa-Zhi (sp?) let me borrow it";  in response to a follow-up question, she let me know that was her sister

The first and last ones on the list above got to me the most.  Choked me up.  Reminded me of my girls and the beauty of the gift of childhood.

These kiddos had sparkles in their eyes.

These kiddos had cheer in their heart.

These kiddos had a smile on their face.

These kiddos didn't care at all where they were.

They blessed me.

If you are in the Decatur area, please check out the "Good Sam's" website ( to find out more.  I'd encourage you to give a strong consideration to volunteering 3 hours of your time (10:00-1:00) to serve a meal.

Hunger is an unfortunate reality.
The need is great.
The kids are adorable.

We are blessed to be a blessing folks.  Get out there and make a difference.

Out for now.....
