Hall of Fame Toys

did you know there was a hall of fame for toys?

yup.... out in Rochester, New York.

just like with the Baseball Hall of Fame, only the very best get selected for membership.

As of the Class of 2012 (when dominoes and Star Wars action figures were chosen), there are 52 toys - or types of toys - that have been inducted into the Hall.

The very first class (back in 1999) consisted of some very obvious choices:
- Barbie
- marbles
- Lincoln Logs
- Erector set
- Lego
- Hula Hoop
- Viewmaster
- Duncan Yo-Yo

Since that time there have been other obvious choices, such as Mr. Potato Head, Slinky, and the Big Wheel.

(how Mr. Potato Head.... one of the coolest toys ever.... did not get inducted the first year is a mystery to me!)

There have also been a few choices that make me roll my eyes, shake my head, and/or toss-about violently....

- "the stick", inducted in 2008; first off, I know (from experience) that a kid can do a heckuva lotta things with a stick; but, is it Hall of Fame Material?  second, how "the stick" made it into the Hall before Hot Wheels and the dollhouse is beyond me.  Probably one of life's mysteries that I'll never be able to answer.

- "the cardboard box";  pretty much the same comments as above, although I think I see the box as more of a toy than the stick

- playing cards;  is this really considered a toy?  I've got an issue with that.

- blanket fort;  in my opinion, this is a "creation".... an imaginative realm.... not a toy.

- and Scrabble made it in the Hall before Candyland or The Game of Life did?  How??

In case you were wondering, here's how toys are selected for the Hall:
The nominated toys are eligible to earn a spot in the Hall of Fame based on four criteria: icon status, longevity, discovery and innovation. This category checklist is designed to ensure that the toy not only enjoyed massive popularity amongst youngsters in its heyday, but that it also encouraged qualities like "creativity" and "discovery." Therefore, that little yapping robot dog that did nothing but walk and do flips in the air may not, for obvious reasons, be a strong contender.

Nominations for 2013 inductees into the Toy Hall of Fame were recently announced.  They include:
- Clue
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- chess
- bubbles
- My Little Pony
- Nerf toys
- Pac Man
- scooter
- rubber duck
- Magic 8 Ball
- Fisher Price Little People
- little green army men

OK, I will now consider the nominees....

chess?   yeah, right.  yeesh.

Scooter seems like a great choice.  was around in the 50's... still around in 2013.  our girls love theirs.

I like the idea of Bubbles being in the Hall too.  those are fun.  still.  even today.

Pac Man, Magic 8 Ball, and Nerf would round out my top 5.

Do I ever want to visit the Toy Hall of Fame?  ummmm.... not so much.  

Although it would be somewhat interesting to pay admission to see a collection of sticks and boxes.

Out for now.....
