Rah Rah Cards

As I type this, I am watching Game 1 of the National League Championship Series.

Cardinals vs. Dodgers.

No matter what happens in this series, the Cardinals season has been a raving and surprise success (just like last year).

The Cards had the best record in the Major Leagues this season, tied with the Red Sox.

That said, they only won 5 more than the Dodgers.  LA is no doubt a tough team.

But so are the Cardinals.  They've proven  it again this year.

Played thru injuries.

Perservered thru slumps.

And those rookies!!

The Redbirds used a total of 20 rookies this season.  Many of those were pitchers.  Pitchers who were key, key, key to the team.  We would have been middle of the pack (at best) without them.  Great talents who make it very easy to get excited about next season.

But this season's not over yet....

Will the Cards prevail over LA ?

Will they get to their 19th World Series?

And will that World Series be a rematch of 2004's disappointing one where the Red Sox beat us handily in 4 games?  Boston's gotta get past the Tigers of Bankruptcy City first.

It's so much fun to be a Cardinals fan.  I cannot remember the last time when they didn't field a competitive team.  This speaks volumes of management and the minor league system.

Great team.
Great talent.
Great October baseball.

Out for now......
