Ringing the Bell

Something happened today that really got me excited about Christmas.

Even though Christmas is still 2 1/2 months away.

I received an e-mail.....

From the Salvation Army here in Decatur....

Time to choose my dates, times, and locations.....

to ring the bell at the kettle!!

This'll be my third year to do this, and it's quickly rising into the very top tier of things that I really, really enjoy about Christmastime.

Each year, I commit to volunteer at least 12 hours at the kettle.

12 hours very well spend.
12 hours that are so, so worth it.

The Salvation Army has such a rich history of helping others.  Being there with a caring and compassionate heart in folks' time of need.  Filling voids in lives.  Filling stomaches.  And filling souls.

There are very few charitable organizations that I believe in as strongly as the Salvation Army.

As I see coin after coin (and the occasional bill) placed into my kettle, it's so cool to think how that money is going to be turned around as help to someone in need.

I have no clue if one of those gold coins that is occasionally found in a kettle has ever been placed in the kettle while I've been volunteering.  but, how cool would that be!

I love to wear my santa hat.  I love to smile at folks.  and wish them a Merry Christmas.  Occasionally, someone will want to chat with me, and that's very cool too.

I was able to grab my 2 favorite slots....

Thanksgiving Eve evening at Kroger.... it's so fun to watch everyone scurrying out and about with their final food items for Turkey Day.

And Christmas Eve morning at the Mall.... really being able to spread some good cheer as folks are so jazzed about what comes the next day.

The kettle represents so many of the characteristics of Christmas.... sharing, caring, love, goodwill, glad tidings, charity.  Standing next to it, with bell in hand, brings me such joy.

Out for now.....


(if you are interested in serving for 2 hours in the Decatur area as a bellringer this coming holiday season, please head to this site for more info: