Things I'll Miss

I don't get the opportunity to take the kids to school very often.  Especially since the older 2 now ride the bus, opportunities are even rarer.

However, this morning was an exception.  

I had the privilege, joy and honor to take our first-grader to school.

Some see this as such a small, routine thing.  Day-in.  Day-out.  Drop the kids off.  Get on with the day.

I don't see it this way.

Even in the seemingly-little moments of life, memories can be made.

I belted her in.
On the way there, we chatted about how she does not like having stuff from mommy and daddy's room in her room during this time where we are swapping out floor coverings.
Once there, I pulled forward thru the "drop-off zone", to where I could get out of the car, come around to her side, open the door, put her backpack over her shoulders, and give her a big kiss.


As she walked away, she looked so small.
And yet, at the same time, so big.

She is growing up.
Time passes so quickly.

As I look back over the 12+ years of "daddyhood", I remember many things that happened that will never happen again.

I refer to it as my "Things I'll Miss List".

Some items that are on there:
- feeding a bottle
- rocking a kiddo to sleep in the la-z-boy
- seeing more food on the bib than in the mouth
- tucking them in for the night in the crib.... then later, in the toddler bed
- hearing "mommy?" and "daddy?" in the morning thru the baby monitor
- using the baby gates to keep them corralled 
- calming fears over losing burpies or night-night
- using those burpies or night-night to diaper or swaddle baby dolls
- watching them learn to tie shoes, like new foods, ride bike
- hearing funny pronounciations of words like "zizzers" (scissors) and "yell-yo" (yellow)

I have a list here at home that contains so many more.

Things I treasure.  Things I will always treasure.

The blessings of being a dad.

Out for now....
