Unicycle ReThought

OK, I have never ridden a segway, but I want to sometime.  It's one thing that is on my "bucket list".

Honestly, I'm not sure whether segways are even still a thing or not.  At one point, they were big for mall cops and municipal police officers to tool around on.  And, many large cities offered 2 or 3 hour segway tours for visitors who wanted a unique way to see the sights.  Are the growing or declining in popularity?  I'm not sure.

As you likely know, the big deal about the 2-wheeled segway is that it has some type of internal gyroscope which allows for a stable, self-balancing ride.

Today, the Chicago Tribune reported that a couple folks in Highland Park Illinois are taking the segway idea 1 step further... a self-balancing electric unicycle:

The unicycle is designed to be easy to ride, and most people pick it up in about 30 minutes, Goebel said. Accelerometers and gyro sensors along three axes automatically help riders balance while steering by leaning the direction they want to go.

Pretty cool huh!   (the unicycle, not the guy riding it, that is)

Even though it claims to be self-balancing, I'll bet that it really takes some flailing of the arms to stay upright on this thing.  I can't imagine how long it might take to get comfortable enough atop the gizmo to be able to navigate obstacles that might be encountered along a sidewalk journey.....



mean people who won't get out of the way.

pop cans and water bottles.

nasty people who try to push you over.

The article goes on to say:
Some distributors have marketed the unicycle, which costs $1,795, as a high-tech toy, but (the distributor) thinks it's perfect for commuters looking to shorten the trip from public transit to the office. It travels up to 12.5 mph, is small enough to fit between a rider's feet on a train or subway and doesn't need a parking spot.
Over 10 MPH !  Balanced on 1 wheel?

Maybe I won't add an entry to my bucket list.

Out for now.....
