Worst Treats Ever

So, I'm looking forward to taking the girls around town trick-or-treating tomorrow night.

The 2 churches are both having Trunk-or-Treat events, which is like totally awesome.  20, 30, maybe 50 cars lined up.... trunks bursting at the seams with sweet delicious treats!  it's like the easiest way to score enough chocolate goodies to get by until Valentine's Day.... or maybe Easter.

(Big thanks to both churches for hosting these events!)

I know some folks shy away from Halloween, keeping their kids out of costume and off the streets.  Yes, I understand it's a pagan holiday based on  witchcraft, spirits and even a little satan thrown in.  But, they are kids.  Only kids once.  Keep focused on the fun aspects, and let them enjoy.

I was thinking.... and when I think, that often leads to trouble.... or nonsense.

What would be the worst treats that could ever be given away to trick-or-treaters?

Here's my top 10:

- pennies  (I have heard of this actually being done)

- dill pickle slices

- baggies of dry dog food

- dust bunnies

- toenail clippings (or hair clippings)

- office supplies, such as paper clips or brass fasteners

- chocolate covered peanuts..... without the chocolate

- handfuls of cooked pasta

- toothbrush (or gift cards for dentistry products)

- frozen mayonnaise balls

If anyone can come up with something worse than those 10, let me know.

Hey Girls!!  Daddy calls dibs on the pickles!

Out for now.....
