Are You Filling the Bucket

"You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it's a little thing, do something for others - something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it."

I don't know a whole lot about Albert Schweitzer.  

Based on what I do know, I am certain that I do not agree with a good number of Al's theological and philosophical viewpoints.

But, I do know that his quote above is 100% correct.

We are not on this Earth to be a bump on  a log.  Or to be a leech.

In the "bucket of life", we make withdrawals of "water" each day.  Just our being takes the investment of others' time, energy, talents, and resources.

We take "water" all the time.

We have a responsibility to be a giver of "water" as well.  Finding ways to pour our time, energy, talents, and resources into life and the life of others.

Are you putting as much "water" in the bucket as you are taking out?

Service is important.  Massively important.

It doesn't have to be something grandiose.  Big tasks don't get accomplished without someone (or several someones) doing the small tasks.

It's not something where you expect credit or recognition.  I have found that serving "behind the scenes" is really, really fun.

And it definitely shouldn't be something you get compensated for.  Service = volunteering = no pay.  Period.

Service must also be fun.  You can't truly have a heart of service if you view that service as a chore.

This is the sign in the park of the village in which we live.

For about the last 6 months, I have been changing the messages on this sign.

It's a small area of service.

One that I enjoy immensely.

This is one little spot that I've found to give back just a smidgin' of help to the leadership of our Village, who serve us so faithfully.

Having a heart of service is something that must be cultivated.

However, once I started serving (way back in high school), I learned to love it.  The cultivation mentioned above came easy for me.  I understand that it doesn't work that way for everyone.

It's about perspective.
It's about priorities.
It's about cultivation.

Remember I mentioned above how service must be fun?

Are you wondering how changing messages on a message board could be fun?

a joke..... "What 7 letters did the kid say when he broke open his sister's piggy bank and found nothing?"



Get out there and find a place or 2 to serve folks.

"You are not here merely to make a living. You are here to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, and with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world. You impoverish yourself if you forget this errand."    (Woodrow Wilson)

Out for now......