

We all have them.
Some of us have very few.  Others of us have way too many.

In my opinion, habits come in 3 basic shapes/sizes:
those that are a required thing for our life.  Many are hygiene-related.  To clarify, here are a few examples:
* brushing teeth twice (or thrice) a day
* washing hands after going poo-poo
* wearing seat belts
* applying the Secret or Old Spice or Speed Stick to the 'pits
(blogger's note:  this is a stunt double pit)

those that add little to no positive value to our life, oftentimes causing more harm than good.  A few of these are sometimes referred to as "vices".  Some examples of what I'm talking about:
* smoking
* lying / embellishing
* drinking booze
* speedy driving
* hoarding
* frugalness... to the point of it being a health/safety issue

those that are just part of who we are.  In other words, the ones that may or may not add value to life, but are a part of what makes us unique.  Taking a good look at these, especially from a third-person perspective, often yields a good chuckle (or chortle, if you are a chortler rather than a chuckler).

Aren't these #3's funny (or weird) little things?  They sure do make life interesting.

Here are some of my #3's:

- nearly every morning once I arrive at work, I drop by the basement to grab an iced tea before heading to my desk

- nearly every day at work, right around 2:00, I head downstairs to the popcorn machine
- on Wednesdays, I almost always stop by the rack in downtown Decatur to pick up a "Prairie Shopper"
- on Thursday evenings, I almost always stop by the rack in downtown Decatur to pick up a "Thrifty Nickel"
- I water my plant at work on Tuesdays and Fridays
- on Saturdays, I watch cartoons with my ladies
- on my dry erase board at my desk, I always write the holiday or "bizarre day" for today;  example, today (November 17) is National Take A Hike Day
- I pretty much always listen to Brian Byers on WSOY on my drive in to work
- I maintain 2 blogs, making weekly posts to PICTURE DECATUR and daily posts to this blog, MATTCHAT
- every election, I always post at least 1 candidate's sign in my front yard
- I soak my nightguard in denture cleaner on Wednesday mornings
- I pick up way more stuff to read than what I actually get read
- I tape way more stuff on the DVR than what I actually get watched
- I put way too much stuff on my computer's desktop
- every Friday evening, I drag a bunch of paperwork out onto the kitchen table to work on over the weekend (this absolutely THRILLS the lovely Mrs. Honnold)
- I balance the checkbook to the penny;  if I cannot find 1 cent, it drives me bonkers!
- I read WAY too much on the pot

What are some of your best #3's?  Share them anonymously in the comments section below.

Anything better than my pot reading one?

Out for now.....
