Ornaments with Meaning

well, the Christmas tree went up today.  pretty much right on-track with the tradition our family started several years ago.... the tree goes up the day after Thanksgiving.  since we were out-of-town on that day (yesterday), this was the day!

what excitement!  the girls love to see the boxes of Christmas decor being carried up from downstairs.

as I survey the tree, a great, great number of the ornaments hold a special meaning or memory for either me or the family.

here's what I mean...

my very first ornament;  got it the year I was born

dated 1983, from one of my elementary teachers

my brother made this one for us out of old piano keys

Mom made each of us one of these popsicle sleds several years back

ornament we got for our first Christmas together (as a married couple)

perfect ornament for a Cardinals fan

contains soybeans and corn from Dad and Mom's final harvest before they retired

E.... I.... E.... I.... U !!

got this one on our honeymoon

commemorative ornament for the church I grew up in;  sadly, it burned down a couple years back

I know some people buy new ornaments for their tree every year, or every other year.  That's not us.

Looking at our tree every Christmas season brings back a whole slew of great memories.... represented by the ornaments hung on the branches.

Out for now.....
