Porn at the Library

"Porn has no place and serves zero purpose in a library." (Linda Zec)

Doesn't this just make complete sense?

Apparently not for some....

There's a situation taking place right now at the Orland Park Illinois library.  It's a situation that really shouldn't be a situation, in my opinion.

The library's official internet policy for adults apparently does not disallow the viewing of porn on library computers.

As such, patrons can come into the library, wait for their turn on a computer, then proceed to view/watch whatever they darn well please.

It is my understanding that the library's computers are in an open lab setting, where there is little to no privacy between the user and the gal sitting next to him.  Likewise, there is no wall/screen that prevents passers-by (including kiddos) from looking at the computer screens.

As such, when Mr. Horny is viewing some T&A, little Jonny can walk right by and get an unwanted (and misguided) anatomy and/or sex education lesson.

Or, when college student Beth is sitting doing research for a paper, she could be subjected to the graphic, offensive, or downright gross images on the PC next to her.

This issue isn't just isolated to the Orland Park library either.  It's apparently a pretty widespread problem.  Internet filters are used quite quite frequently on computers that are located in kids' areas of libraries. PC's in adult areas.... a whole nuther deal.

As a trustee for our community's library, this topic has added interest to me.

I've seen a couple articles in the Chicago Tribune this week.  An opinion piece written by the Trib's John Kass summed this issue up perfectly:

"If Americans want to look at such stuff in the privacy of their own homes, that's their business. But it has no place in a library supported by your tax dollars, where children can walk by, look up, and see."

I could not agree more.  

Read John Kass's full piece here:

Adult PC's in libraries should have the very same firewalls as the ones used in the kids' section.

This is not a "first amendment", "free speech" type of issue.  This is without question a "common sense" type of issue.

Folks are not to go to the library in order to get titilated.  Or to get a boner.  Or to fulfill some primal urge down the hall in the bathroom after watching "love" (term used extremely lightly) on the monitor.

Libraries are places of learning, not places of fornication.

Libraries are places of knowledge, research, education.  Not places of actions that fulfill addictions of the flesh.

A few quotes from recent articles about library porn really concern me:

"....our staff doesn't want to play the role of police, to tell people, 'You're looking at a banned video. That looks too pornographic'."
"Instead they are protecting the rights of the perverts and the sex offenders who use the library to 'meet their needs'." 
"I cannot guarantee that perverts, sexual offenders, pedophiles and other disturbed individuals are not coming here.  This is a public place."
Good heavens, children are THE future.  Everything possible should be done to protect them, not the guy touching himself!
There are dark rooms in seedy "adult bookstores" for that stuff.
Out for now.....