Christmas Words

I found a coffee mug at a thrift shop.  Thought it was pretty cool/unique, so I picked it up for 29 cents.

The mug has a bunch of holiday-related graphics on it, along with the words "Christmas Is....." and 11 suggestions how to finish that statement:












Of this list, I am of the opinion that "LOVE" is the most appropriate.

I understand that some folks have a Christmas time that doesn't ooze a whole lot of love (or HAPPINESS, for that matter).

There may be mourning/grief/loss.

There may be terrible memories from the past that have strained or broken relationships.

There may be struggles with addiction... failures... finances... vocation.

If ever there was a time to step alongside someone damaged/affected by one of the issues above, Christmas time is it.


Back to something I mentioned above.... Christmas is all about LOVE.

The whole root of the holiday.... way deeper than Santa, sales, and light displays... is the love that was poured out on this world on that silent night in Bethlehem more than 2000 years ago.

Love from heaven.
In the form of a helpless baby in a makeshift maternity ward in a not-so-hospital-like setting in a little settlement called Bethlehem.

Love.... pure, true, holy love.... sent for us.

In fact, on the mug, next to the word LOVE, is a small graphic of the stable scene.  How very cool!

As for the other words on the mug... 3 of them I associate more with "winter" than Christmas:

and POINSETTIAS.... yeah, that's a great "Christmas word".... just not at our house.  Poinsettias and pets are not a good mix.  (side note:  I was at Aldi's Saturday night, and they had some beautiful poinsettias.... colors that I has never seen before.... new hybrids?  or paint?)

and CAROLLING.... another great word that just rings Christmas.  It's been like a gazillion years since the last time I went carolling.  I remember there were a bunch of us wearing boxers over our pants.  Long story.  Going back even further.... my high school youth group use to go out every year and carol at the homes of older folks around town.  My voice sucked then just about as bad as it does now.

and SNOWFLAKES FALLING.... I love this one!  Going to/from Christmas Eve service with snow in the air just adds so much to the night.  Snow falling on Christmas Day (even though it doesn't happen often) is extra extra extra special for me.

What words would I have added to the mug?  Maybe one of these?

WONDER (the awestruck look in kids' eyes at this time of the year is so cool)

GIVING AND RECEIVING (again, it goes way deeper than the old "better to give than receive" saying;  God did the ultimate gifting.... we all have the opportunity to receive His gift.... the best gift ever)

IMMANUEL (means "God with us";  for the reasons stated in this blog post, this word just rings "CHRISTmas")

How about you?  What words would be on your Christmas mug?

Out for now....
