Fan of Decatur?

For those who don't already know, I maintain a second blog out here in the WWW universe.

a photo blog of the sights, events, people and history of the great city of Decatur Illinois.

Some of the photos I take.
Some of the photos are borrowed from others.
Some of the photos are found on other sites (such as Facebook) or are located via Google searches.
I organize them into themed groups, which are then posted as blog entries every 5-7 days.

PICTURE DECATUR has been around since last Spring, which has given me the opportunity to showcase some of Decatur's best and most interesting things.....
- Fairview Park
- Nelson Park
- ADM and Staley
- beautiful downtown
- Greenwood Cemetery
- Millikin
- mobile food units
- monuments and memorials
- all sorts of historic photos

Ideas I'm working on for upcoming posts include....
- Decatur firehouses
- Avon Theater
- Eldorado Bowl
- Richland Community College
- historic park buildings
- aerial photos of some well-known Decatur sites

If you have any interest in Decatur, or history, or photography, or any combination of those 3, I welcome you to jaunt over to and have a look.

Decatur's got some amazing stuff to see!

Out for now.....
