Spirit of Giving

We are really making an effort this Christmas season to do a little extra as a family in the category of "giving".

We've always tried to do some fun stuff to spread "holiday cheer" since we first got hitched.  But this year is the first time we're actively working to get the girls involved as well.  It's very, very important for them to see the importance of giving.... not just at Christmastime but all the year round.

Being on the receiving end of a gift is wonderful.  Being on the giving end of a gift is something awesome.

I really, truly, deeply believe this.

So, what are some ideas we've had to get our girls excited about giving?

We've actually come up with a bunch.  Just not sure how many we'll get done.

- donate at Salvation Army Kettle;  buy the bellringer a hot drink; serve as a bellringer
- purchase gifts for others (Angel Tree, Toys for Tots, orphanage, etc.)
- participate in the activities going on at church (funding education for medical students in Africa, outreach to local elementary school)
- cookie trays for neighbors and for some of those who serve us like the trash men and the bus driver
- gifts for teachers and school office staff
- prepare Christmas cards and paper snowflakes for military servicemen and the elderly
- volunteer at food pantry or "soup kitchen"
- give to winter wear drive (coats, hats, gloves, scarves)
- carolling around neighborhood

Carolling?  Yeah.... the neighbors would probably appreciate if I didn't do that.  Everyone else is cute and sings like a bird though.

Of course, we want the girls to see and know that giving is not just for around Christmas time either.  So, we're gonna make a concerted effort to do several things in 2014.

Finding little ways to step-in or step-up to help others.  It's our responsibility.  It's a responsibility we all have.

"The Bible teaches us that we are blessed not just so that we can feel good, not just so we can be happy and comfortable, but so that we will bless others."   (Rick Warren)

Out for now......
