Sugar Rush

So over the holiday, the lovely Mrs. Honnold and I had the opportunity to spend some time together in the kitchen.

Baking some goodies.

Cooking up some yummies for Christmas dinner.

In our various preparations, we used various sugars:
white granulated -- dressing for 7-Layer Salad
brown -- cranberry holiday punch (kinda a wassail thing)
powdered -- buckeyes

And, although we didn't use them on this round of baking, there's also the liquid types of sugar products (like corn syrup, molasses, and honey) and the family of fake sweeteners -- you know... pink packet, blue packet, and yellow packet.

So many delicious varieties of sweet deliciousness!!

Of the non-liquid sugars, the brown variety is my least favorite.

The color is just wrong.
Sugar isn't brown!

And the flavor is wacky also

Plus, the stuff turns into a brick if it's old or if its bag is not sealed properly.

I'm sure there are many advantageous reasons to use brown sugar rather than white.  I just don't know enough about it to comment intelligently here.

Brown sugar is good on oatmeal though.

On the other end of the "Matt Likes" spectrum, powdered sugar is my favorite.


Very simple.

Jelly-filled doughnuts.

I love jelly-filleds.  The combination of sweet strawberry, raspberry, or cherry goo combined with the sweet goodness of powdery white sprinkled all over them is an awesome combination.

I really can't think of another application for powdered sugar that really tickles my fancy though.

Oh wait.... there's a type of candy that I remember being on cookie/candy trays at Christmas as I was growing up.  That sweet was kinda like a rock candy, just flat and in "shards" instead of in lumpy "rocks".  Powdered sugar was used to cover that stuff so it wouldn't stick together.  Mmmmmmmm..... powdered sugar........

Not sure who made the stuff.  Neither Mom nor Grandma Jojo did.

Sugar cubes can be fun too.  A jolt of sweet deliciousness in little square format.  Who needs one of those 5-hour energy things when you can pop some cubes, right?

We never had horses growing up, so I can't vouch one way or the other as to whether horses really like them or not.  

And, I never saw anyone walking around the EIU campus popping them like candy.  But, I will admit to sneaking a few from the box at various coffee stations I've encountered thru the years.

On the liquid sugar side, I am a honey (and honey mustard) fan.  I know some people cannot stand it.  Others are allergic to it.  Still others cannot get past the fact that honey is basically bee puke.  But, I love to occasionally get honey for my McNuggets, if BBQ sauce doesn't sound good.

I'm not gonna get into the bogus arguments here about the unhealthiness of corn syrups and fructoses.  Sugar is sugar is sugar folks.

But as for Mt. Dew..... that's a liquid sugar too, right?  HA

Out for now.....
