Picture 1/22: Texas Whorehouse

January 22
(picture 22 of 365)

Walking thru Wal-Mart, I spotted something that brought back a funny memory:

"The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas"
starring Burt and Dolly

The first R-rated movie I ever saw.

Long story short.... I was in Junior High (maybe even 6th grade).  All the Buena Vista kids ended up in the living room at one of the neighbors watching this.

I don't remember much at all about the movie.

I do remember Mom's reaction when she found out we had watched it.

Let's just say she wasn't real pleased.
Had a good convo with the mom of that house.
Worked it out just fine.

The movie had comedy. And had great music.  Oh, and it had something else:

If I were asked what image dominates "The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas," the honest answer would have to be: Dolly Parton's plunging neckline. I am not trying to be cute. The awesome swell of her wondrous bosom dominates every scene Dolly appears in, and that includes just about every scene in the movie. (Roger Ebert)

Hee hee hee.

Out for now.....
