Damaged Wagon

There are a slew of really cool things to see up in Lincoln, Illinois.

One of my favorites is this:
(this is a picture I took last Fall)

It's called the "Railsplitter" and has been certified by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's largest covered wagon.

Unfortunately, it now looks like this:

45-50 MPH wind gusts on January 26 caused it......

The winds did a number on the wagon. Not only is it nearly on its side, but one wheel was destroyed, another broken, the wagon box was damaged and the cover was torn up. One part of the wagon that wasn't damaged was the 12-foot fiberglass Abe Lincoln sitting up front.

They are gonna fix it, getting it ready for this Spring's tourist season.

The wagon needs work.
But Abe.... he's still reading away thru all this.

Out for now.....


Read more here: http://www.bnd.com/2014/02/03/3037064/record-holding-ill-covered-wagon.html#storylink=cpy