Four DUIs

You see this ?

Illinois lawmakers are considering giving people with four DUIs a chance to get restricted driver’s permits, changing the law that bans them from getting an Illinois license for life.
Note:  that says **4** DUIs!!
Under the proposal, people who got permission for the special driver’s license would face limitations such as driving only during the day and installing an ignition interlock device in their cars. The device is a special Breathalyzer that locks the ignition until the person blows into it and is shown to be sober.

Hard to believe, huh?  A fifth chance for someone who has already blown their second chance, third chance, and fourth chance !!??!!???  Folks who get inebriated, then have repeatedly put themselves behind the wheel of a motorized vehicle, putting others at serious risk.

And, even harder to believe:
.... the two biggest anti-drunken driving groups in the state — Mothers Against Drunk Driving-Illinois and the Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists — support easing up on the ban
Read more about this:

Out for now.....
