Picture 2/16: Up on the Wall

February 16
(picture 47 of 365)

The lovely Mrs. Honnold recently had me help her with a project.  Another project that is (see my "picture of the day" from January 15 to see what I mean).

She's always coming up with cool decorating ideas like this.  It's one thing to see the idea in a magazine or on Pinterest.  But, it's a whole nuther thing to take that idea, find the needed "supplies", and turn idea into reality.

The tough thing on this one was figuring out how to get that toolbox (made of very old and very heavy wood) up on the wall. Once we got the right anchors at Menards, figured out where studs were, and got everything level, it was pretty much cake.

That picture of the bird (hawk?) was one of my Christmas gifts this year from my brother's family.  Some guy my brother knows up in the Peoria area carves a picture into a block of wood, then uses it with an ink stamp to press-out copies of the picture.  Neat stuff.

And the picture of the heart was made with my wife's and my arms, using our shadow cast on the ground.  If I'm not mistaken, we took that shot up at a playground in Clinton Illinois.

I'm not a big fan of artsy-fartsy stuff, but this "art" on the wall is really neat.

Great job wifey!

Out for now.....
