Sitting Is Killing You

Last week, a study was released that stated some interesting stuff related to sedentary lifestyles.

Here's a couple tidbits:

If you're 60 and older, every additional hour a day you spend sitting is linked to doubling the risk of being disabled -- regardless of how much moderate exercise you get.
The study is the first to show sedentary behavior is its own risk factor for disability, separate from lack of moderate vigorous physical activity. In fact, sedentary behavior is almost as strong a risk factor for disability as lack of moderate exercise.
"It means older adults need to reduce the amount of time they spend sitting, whether in front of the TV or at the computer, regardless of their participation in moderate or vigorous activity."
Or here, for a heckuva lot of detail, research, and statistics:

What concerns me on this is a pair of things.

First, if it's this bad for someone 60 and over, it has to be somewhat bad for the "less than 60 crowd" too.  How bad?

And, what about the portion of that "less than 60 crowd" who have desk jobs and barely get any exercise (and even limited stand-up time) during the day... let alone any measurable level of "moderate" or "vigorous" exercise.  Including me.

What are we setting ourselves up for down the road, as far as disabilities go?  Hip issues?  Knee replacements? Foot surgeries?


I think this may be one of my new favorite slogans:

Out for now.....
