Thin Mint Mania

So.... have you been asked yet?
Maybe asked twice?
Maybe you're totally sick of being asked?

Those pesky little Girl Scouts peddling their cookies.

Delicious cookies.

Delicious and irresistible cookies.

A box of $4 utter deliciousness.


Yeah, all the Girl Scout mommies are workin' it at work these days.

Peddlin' cookies on behalf of their daughters.

It is utterly amazing how many boxes of cookies change hands this time of the year.  There are times when I wonder if an armed guard should be posted near one of the cookie mommies to protect all the cash that's coming her way.   

Rex Huppke of the Chicago Tribune wrote a hilariously honest piece last week about Girl Scout cookie peddling in the workplace.

Read the whole thing:

How to navigate annual Girl Scout office invasion

Here are my favorite lines from Huppke:

I appreciate all cookies, but Girl Scout cookies are my one true love. I can down a sleeve of Thin Mints in the time it takes the average person to Google "how to save someone who is choking on Thin Mints."

It seems Girl Scout cookie season is a window into how we interact at work and the struggles we have being honest and direct with co-workers.

But not everyone is as tolerant of this annual practice. Some feel put upon when a colleague asks them to sign up for a box or two. Some have a difficult time saying "no."  And then there are those who bring in sign-up sheets and get downright territorial when other Do-si-dos dealers muscle in on their turf.

....The ease with which people can interact honestly with each other is a good measure of a company’s culture.  "It really depends on the environment.  Some companies are highly political; other companies are more open and honest. Some are overly nice, where you can’t say ’no’ to anything. It does point to how good communication is within the organization. If people don’t feel free to say ’no’ without retribution, that says something about the underlying culture."

I haven't purchased any Peanut Butter Patties or Sandies or Lemon Thingies at work this year.  Why? 

Because I am an uncaring, non-supportive, butt of a team member.  

No, it's because my beautiful better half has already sourced our supply from the nieces and daughters of friends.

Long live the Thin Mints!

Out for now.....
