Picture 3/3: 6-Pack of Fanta

March 3
(picture 62 of 365)

Ohhhh, those silly marketing gurus are at it again!  Is there any wonder why they make the big bucks?

Saw this at Kroger tonight:

A 6-pack.  Of Fanta Orange Soda.

Cans -- not bottles.


I guess 6-packs of beer in cans have been big sellers for a long, long time.  

Although not in packaging like this.

Do we really need a box?

Maybe they are getting away from those plastic rings that harm wildlife?

The consumer is sure not saving money, as the price of this 6-pack was well over 50% of the price of a 12-pack.

Easier to carry (thinner, less weight).  OK, yeah, maybe that's an advantage.

And if you look closely at the picture above, this one had been opened.  Probably someone curious as to what was in the box.

Maybe this one is a "5-pack"?

Can missing?  I didn't do it.

Out for now.....
