Best State to Live In Poll

Just released: a new Gallup poll.

What was being polled?

Residents' views of their state as the best place to live

Gallup measured whether residents view their state of residency as:
- "the best possible state to live in"
- "one of the best possible states to live in"
- "as good a state as any to live in"
- "the worst possible state to live in"

Very interesting results in my opinion.

The states that ranked highest (meaning their residents think the state is a great place to live):

#1: Montana, Alaska  (tie)
#2: Utah
#3: Wyoming
#4: Texas, Hawaii (tie)

And the flip-side.... the states where residents are least favorable about it being a great place to live?

#46: Michigan, New Jersey, New Mexico (tie)
#47: Louisiana
#48: Mississippi
#49. Illinois
#50: Rhode Island

Illinois.... next to last.... isn't that just wonderful??

Here's some comments from Gallup regarding that:
Illinois has the unfortunate distinction of being the state with the highest percentage of residents who say it is the worst possible place to live. One in four Illinois residents (25%) say the state is the worst place to live, followed by 17% each in Rhode Island and Connecticut.
Throughout its history, Illinois has been rocked by high-profile scandals, investigations, and resignations from Chicago to Springfield and elsewhere throughout the state. Such scandals may explain why Illinois residents have the least trust in their state government across all 50 states. Additionally, they are among the most resentful about the amount they pay in state taxes. These factors may contribute to an overall low morale for the state's residents.
Makes me SOOOO proud.  Yeesh!

Read all the rankings, plus a bevy of data and analysis here:

Out for now......
