Illinois: So Bad It's Funny

As I've stated many times here on MattChat, I love our great state of Illinois.

God has surely shed his grace on these lands between the Mississippi and the Wabash.

However, our government is dooming us.  Even optimists have to agree that Illinois, from Chicago to Cairo, is in a money mess.  

Mess doesn't capture it.

Big ol' pile of crappola is much better.

We are in financial free-fall folks!

Boy, I'm cheery this morning, eh?

I'll lighten the mood a little.

Things are so rough right now in Illinois, we just gotta smile......

even Indiana is kicking us while we're down

One last thing.....
Awhile back, I posted my top 5 favorite pictures of Goofernor Quinn:  see those here

I found an even better one though:

Must be a desperate, desperate pooch.

Out for now.....
