Invest in Bacon

Have you heard that there kinda already is a shortage of sweet, delicious bacon? 

And, the shortage will only become worse over the next 6-12 months?

A porcine virus is ravaging the U.S. pig population and will probably cause the biggest decline in pork production in more than 30 years.  The resulting supply squeeze has caused pork prices to already rise by about 10%. Bacon prices have been particularly affected—up about 13% year-over-year.

A shortage of bacon??
Say it isn't so!!??!!??!!

The disease that's going around (affectionately known as PED, or Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea) is a nasty one.  Millions upon millions of little piglets have died.

"Farmers have struggled to control the virus, because little is known about how it spreads and there is not yet a federally approved vaccine."
(Read more about it here:

This guy from Fortune Magazine explores the impact of PED on the companies being directly impacted:


As he puts it....
"A bacon shortage would be devastating to millions of grease-loving unhealthy American slobs like myself. But all joking aside, there are real economic consequences."

Think about it.... bacon is all around us.  Next to ham, it's probably the most popular part of a little oink'er.  (Although, I do love me a thick, juicy pork chop!)

There's even Bacon Pringles now:

Oh well, I'd better prepare myself for just LT's for awhile.... or much more expensive BLT's.

Out for now.....
