Missing Workers

There are a lot of facts here that:
1) our government is not being forthcoming about
2) mainstream media is not reporting
3) folks (primarily Democratic folks) are choosing to ignore
4) many people are just plain unaware of or naïve about

A snippet of what this TRULY FASCINATING article contains:

In the first scenario, 8 million Americans are, for all practical purposes, unemployed: They want jobs, but they’ve stopped looking for them. If that’s the case, the official unemployment rate of 6.7 percent in February is too low. The truer rate would be over 11 percent. Under those circumstances, the Fed would likely be talking about increasing its bond-buying efforts, not paring them back, and politicians would be talking about how to better respond to an ongoing jobs crisis.
In the second scenario, those 8 million people all left the labor force for reasons unrelated to the state of the economy. Baby boomers are retiring. Younger people are attending college at an increasing rate. Fewer men in their prime working years have jobs, a trend that began in the 1970s. These larger demographic shifts could mean the official unemployment rate of 6.7 percent paints a pretty accurate picture of the nation’s economic condition.

There are hundreds of thousands (likely millions) who are underemployed -- working jobs that they are radically overqualified for because they cannot find a job in the field in which they are educated/trained.

And, there are hundreds of thousands (likely millions) who have simply given up looking for a job.  Many of these are now dependent on the government... the taxpayer.

And there are hundreds of thousands (likely millions) "teetering" -- on the verge of giving up.  Not good.

The labor/unemployment situation in the U.S. is not as rosy as we are being led to think, folks.

Be aware of what you're being told and what you're choosing to believe.

Out for now.....
