People Can Be So Mean

23-year-old Max is autistic.

Normally, Max gets a bit excited at the beginning of a film, and then he calms down. But life with autism is unpredictable.  When the first preview exploded loudly onto the screen, Max covered his ears and shrieked, “I want to go home!” Emily (Max's mom) tried to calm him, but as soon as Kermit the Frog appeared on the screen, Max shouted “The Muppet Movie!”
When the volume spiked again, Max shouted once more “I want to go home!” That's when other movie-goers let Emily know in painful and no-uncertain terms that Max was not welcome.
As Emily and Patty (Max's Grandma) escorted Max out, the audience began to applaud. “It was the sound of an angry mob chasing us away with their jeers and taunts,” Emily writes.

People can be so friggin' mean.
But, that's not the end of the story.
Other folks took that ugly situation and turned it into a blessing.... a big blessing.... for Max.... and a bunch of his friends.
Read about it here:
And remember to be kind and patient.
And remember to look for a way.... even a small way.... to make someone smile.
Out for now....