Saving KHS

The school in my hometown is really struggling.

Kansas Community School District #3

My school.

Starting with Mrs. Audrey Gough's Kindergarten class, CUSD #3 was my school all the way thru high school graduation day.

Times since then have been hard on the district.

A community that's not growing.

Leading to declining enrollment.

A mess in Springfield.

Leading to an overall lack of focus on education by our state government.

That said, a critical/pivotal point has been reached.

Will Kansas Schools continue in operation beyond the next couple years?

Take a look at what the School Board, teachers, and administrators are doing in a unified effort to save the school:

In the end, the decision must be based on 1 key thing:  what's best for the kids?

That answer is more important than:
- what's best for the community?
- what's best for the staff?
- what about the history/heritage of the school?
- what about being labelled a failure for letting the school fail?

It's about the kids -- giving them what they need to succeed.

Out for now.....
