Soda Sales Plummet

Hey, did you hear how bad of a state the soda industry here in the U.S. is in?

"U.S. sales volume of carbonated soft drinks fell 3 percent in 2013, extending a streak of declines that began nearly a decade ago. It also represents a steeper drop than the 1.2 percent decline in 2012 and the 1 percent drop in 2011."

It's the lowest sales level since 1995!

"The popularity of longtime favorites like Coke, Pepsi and Dr Pepper is waning as a growing number of alternatives like flavored waters and energy drinks pop up in beverage aisles."
"Soda is also fighting its bad image as a source of empty calories, with public health advocates blaming it for fueling weight gain."
(wrong.  wrong.  wrong.  Americans are getting fat because we eat too many oily/greasy foods and are -- in general -- much lazier than ever before.)
"Even diet sodas are suffering. Industry executives blame the trend in diet sodas on worries people have about artificial sweeteners. But diet sodas are also facing intensifying competition from the proliferation of lower-calorie alternatives, many of which are made with artificial sweeteners as well."
Read the full article here:

My take on this:  price.

The skyrocketing price of name-brand soda (regular, diet, whatever) is a significant part of the blame for sales drop.

Our family never buys name-brand anymore.  Unless the sale price is something real fantastic.

We drink store brand (primarily Kroger) and find it at least equal, if not better, in taste than name brand.

Our household consumption has not changed.
The label has.

Yeesh, all this talking has made me thirsty!

Where's my Diet Mt. Dew?  I mean... my Diet Citrus Drop.

Out for now.....
