Taking on Madigan

I gotta salute this dude.

Scott Drury.
Illinois State Representative from Highwood. 

A Democrat.
A freshman Democrat.

He had the kahunas to actually stand up to Mike Madigan:

Oh, if only more of our elected representatives would do this.  Other than former governor Blago, Madigan is almost single-handedly responsible for the failed policy and terrible economic situation of our state.

Madigan truly is the most powerful man in Springfield.
A czar.
A crook.
A selfish, arrogant, and self-righteous baffoon.

Kudos to this Scott Drury, who said:

“I don’t know what tomorrow is going to bring, but I hope the public sees there’s someone being independent and they appreciate it. To me, success isn’t getting re-elected. Success is more people like me getting re-elected.”


Out for now......
