Picture 5/21: Post Office Mural

May 21
(picture 141 of 365)

The inside of the Decatur Post Office (downtown) is covered with an amazing set of murals.

If you ever get the chance to pop in there for a looksy, please do so.

I snapped this photo today, which is a section of the mural that I'd not studied in detail before:

The words you see?

They are from Frances Parker:
"Democracy founded on the principle that each member of society contributes to the good of all."

I was able to locate the full quote in Colonel Parker's 1918 book:
"The universal movement that had its beginning when the morning stars first sang together, was the tendency of the soul toward freedom. 

The form of government it took was democracy, founded upon the principle that society can rule itself; that each member of society contributes to the good of alllives for all, and receives from all that which all can give. 

A fundamental principle of democracy is the responsibility of each for all and all for each. If one is weak in the government, if one is weak who has the ballot, who has a choosing power, it means the weakness of all; and it becomes the imperative duty of all to present the needed conditions to awaken the feeling of responsibility."

Dang, that's pretty deep.  But, I like what he's saying.

We're all in this together.

Out for now.....
