Cantor Goes Down

Wow, Eric Cantor lost his primary ! 

Serves him right.

Proves that if you become a "yes man" of the establishment, step-away from your core beliefs, and stop listening to those who elect you, you won't last.

Breitbart lists out 8 consequences of the Cantor loss:

1) John Boehner is likely done

2) The Republican "Young Guns" are firing blanks

3) The death of the Tea Party was greatly exaggerated

4) The conservative media has real firepower

5) The "corporatists" took a major hit

6) Establishment candidates are in for a rough 2016 ride

7) Democrats will really shift their focus to immigration

8) President Obama will seize the opportunity to issue some more executive orders

Read further on these 8 items:

Who's next to be shown the door?

Out for now.....
