Hobby Lobby: Conflicted

Fascinating and thought-provoking piece here folks:


The author makes a very valid point about how Hobby Lobby is talking out of both sides of its mouth.

On one hand:
Hobby Lobby is one of the leaders of the charge to keep American businesses from having to comply with Obamacare, specifically the contraception mandate.  They are using the argument that the mandate violates their Christian beliefs/values.

But on the other hand:
Hobby Lobby profits mightily from "Made in China" products.  As we all know, the people of China are subject to very challenging edicts from their government, many of which are very contradictory to the teachings of Christ.... the very foundation of Christianity.

As the author of this article writes:
Now, of course, a huge number of American companies outsource labor to China, and thus help prop up this shameful status quo. But very few of these American companies simultaneously trumpet themselves as "Christian businesses," arguing in court that providing employees with health insurance covering contraceptives violates their religious beliefs. How can this ObamaCare mandate be so foul to Hobby Lobby executives, while they say very little about Chinese policies forcing women to have abortions against their wills? Is abortion wrong only when the terminated life is American?

How valid of an argument does Hobby Lobby really have?

Does it come down to being told what to do vs. choosing what to do?

Does the choice to buy from China weaken the "Christian values" argument?

It's worth the read... and some contemplation, folks.

Out for now.....
